Monday, December 29, 2008

Jealousy is my Rivalry

Ok, so... I have this little problem. The only REAL problem associated with it, is that this little problem i have had... it gets thrown into some HUGE issues. I get jealous. I think everyone gets jealous, but I mean I get JEALOUS. Sweaty palms, frantic breathing, nausea, anxiety... I mean the whole nine yards. I don't like that i have this problem, and for the last year and six months it really hasn't been an issue, until now. Its like everytime I catch her texting him, or talking to him on facebook, or anything i freak out. Not at her, most of the time, but on the inside. I bottle it up until i explode. When i explode, its not pretty. I wish i could control it like i was able to for this past year. I guess that's something that i'll have to work on, but man... I freakin' hate it.
well, good luck in the new year. I wouldn't bother making a resolution, because we all know it wont hold.

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